People thrive on routine. It provides a sense of comfort, peace, and consistency. And this couldn’t more true of little people in particular.
Routine and schedule are an important part of a child’s life and help teach them a lot. Let’s look at some of the reasons consistent routine is so important for kids!
Why Kids Need Daily Routines
Routine Helps Kids Feel In Control of Their Environment
Most people don’t like the idea of feeling out of control. It makes us feel unstable and unsure about what is going on around us. This is doubly so for children.
The world is already full of so many new and foreign things for kids—sights, sounds, environments, situations—so having the majority of their life remain consistent and routine can bring a sense of calm and control to their lives as they learn how to navigate the world around them.
Routine Helps Kids Feel Safe, Secure, and Comfortable
Consistency brings a sense of security and comfort to a home or childcare center that a child can feel. When the next expected thing is exactly what happens, it fosters a sense of security and comfort in the child.
When a child feels safe, secure, and comfortable, it allows them to grow and strengthen themselves as a developing person. If a child’s sense of comfort, safety, and security are taken away and they live in a world of chaos and uncertainty, it plays out in the actions and attitudes and doesn’t allow them to feel free to grow in healthy ways.
Routine Helps Kids Know What is Happening Now and What Comes Next
A routine teaches a child the concept of time management and anticipating their day. Let me explain:
At every stage of life, we have tasks that we have to or want to accomplish. Some are work-related, some are for enjoyment, and some are a mix of both that help us grow.
When a child starts to understand that first we are going to have our lesson, then we will have puzzle and Lego time, and then we will have lunch and recess, they start to understand the basics concepts of setting time aside during the day and prioritizing different activities so everything can get done.
When the art of time management is learned and implemented throughout life in age-appropriate ways, it can set a child up for great success as they grow into an adult.
Routine Helps Kids Learn How To Do an Activity or Task
When a child has dedicated time for specific tasks, it allows them to learn how to give focused attention and time to a particular task.
Whether they learning a new skill or practicing something they’ve done before, knowing they have some dedicated time to work on something can help teach a child how to focus as they manage their tasks and their time.
Routine Helps Kids Engage in Learning
Operating in a consistent routine helps kids begin to learn how to act in particular settings as well.
Whether it’s circle time at school or story time at home with Mommy, kids know that means it’s time to sit and listen to the teacher while they learn about something new, do an activity, sing songs, or enjoy listening to a good book.
When kids know that the particular part of the schedule they are in is designated for something specific, then they learn to engage with the tasks and activities at hand.
Having consistent routines both at home and at daycare can provide a child with an overall sense of security, comfort, and stability that will help them grow into healthy, well-rounded little people!